IS Lecturer Research 2020

Name Of Study Programme Member Publication Journal
Nur Rachman Dzakiyullah Implementation of the Convolutional Neural Network Method to Detect the Use of Masks International Journal of Informatics and Innovation Systems 2021
Nur Rachman Dzakiyullah Semi-Supervised Classification on Credit Card Fraud Detection using AutoEncoders Journal of Applied Data Sciences 2021
Tri Rochmadi Risk Measurement and Information Security Evaluation Using the Information Security Index at XYZ BKD Based on ISO 27001/SNI Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital
Tri Rochmadi Clustering of Isolation Houses in Surakarta City Electro Luceat
Tri Rochmadi Digital Evidence Identification of Android Device using Live Forensics Acquisition on Cloud Storage (iDrive) International Journal of Computer Applications
Yanuar Wicaksono, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Student Admission Promotion Strategy Mapping Using K-Means SYSTEMIC : Information System and Informatics Journal
The impact of knowledge management, administrative management, information technology for e-government success Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology
Mapping New Student Admission Promotion Strategies Using K-Means Systemic: Information System and Informatics Journal
Digital Evidence Identification of Android Device using Live Forensics Acquisition on Cloud Storage (iDrive) International Journal of Computer Applications
Segmentation of Tourism Potential Areas in Bima City Using K-Means Indonesian Journal of Informatics and Research
Dadang Heksaputra Analisis Persebaran Angka Kematian Ibu Hamil Berbasis WEB-GIS Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) di Daerah Yogyakarta Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence (IJUBI)
Dadang Heksaputra Analysis of Antenatal Care (ANC) in Maternal and Child Health Surveillance Using the Aggregation Pipeline Stages in NoSQL Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence (IJUBI)
Asti Ratnasari Adopting task technology fit model on e-voting technology Int J Inf & Commun Technol ISSN
Avrillaila Akbar Harahap Adopting task technology fit model on e-voting technology Int J Inf & Commun Technol ISSN
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