Inf Lecturer Research 2022

Name of Faculty Member Title of the Study Publication
Dhina Puspasari Wijaya, S.Kom., M.Kom. Analysis of the Use of Technology Connecting Sharia Financial Institutions with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to Increase Sharia Market Share in Yogyakarta Jurnal Ilmiah Sinus (JIS), Volume 20, No. 2 Juli 2022, Pages 13-24
Comparison of Multi Layer Perceptron, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression on Students Performance Test IEEE, 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information, System (ICIMCIS), Pages 462-466, 2022
Comparison of ADAM-Optimizer and SGDM for Classification Image of Rice Leaf Disease IEEE, 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information, System (ICIMCIS), Pages 348-353, 2022
Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in Determining Optimal Routes for Web-Based Post Office Couriers (Case Study: Wates Post Office) Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence (IJUBI), Volume 2, Issue 2, Desember 2022
Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes Methods in Classifying the Chances of Heart Attack Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence, Volume 5, Issue 2, Desember 2022
Andri Pramuntadi, S.Kom., M.Kom. Implementation of Data Mining Using C4.5 Algorithm for Predicting Customer Loyalty of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Pati Area Office Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence, Volume 5, Issue 2, Desember 2022
Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in Determining Optimal Routes for Web-Based Post Office Couriers (Case Study: Wates Post Office) Indonesian Journal of Business Intelligence (IJUBI), Volume 2, Issue 2, Desember 2022
Deden Hardan Gutama, S.Kom., M.Kom. Analysis of the Use of Technology Connecting Sharia Financial Institutions with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to Increase Sharia Market Share in Yogyakarta Jurnal Ilmiah Sinus (JIS), Volume 20, No. 2 Juli 2022, Pages 13-24
Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in Determining Optimal Routes for Web-Based Post Office Couriers (Case Study: Wates Post Office) Indoenesian Journal of Business Intelligence (IJUBI), Volume 2, Issue 2, Desember 2022
Information System Design of Goods Inventory Management Roses Store Using the Waterfall Method Journal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi, Volume 1, No. 3, Desember 2022, Halaman 29-42
Handling Bruteforce Attacks and Port Scanning on Mikrotic Routers Journal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi, Volume 1, No. 2, Agustus 2022
Gap Evaluation and Design of Information  Systems Based on ISO/IEC 9126 (Case Study: Indofood Web) Journal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi, Volume 1, No. 2, Agustus 2022


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