Dean’s Welcome

Remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Engineering

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Computer and Engineering (FKT), Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Praise be to Allah SWT who always bestows His mercy and grace upon us. Sholawat and salam may always be bestowed on our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW who has delivered the treatise and truth of Islam to his ummah.

With the guidance and help of Allah SW, the Faculty of Computers has developed with significant changes in 2021 to become the Faculty of Computers and Engineering where this change will project future study programs to become centers of education, research and community service at the undergraduate level. Currently, two study programs, namely Information Systems (S1) and Informatics (S1) have been established and there are 11 permanent lecturers and 1 Educator to support the management of faculties and study programs. FKT UAA Yogyakarta is committed to building several new study programs in the future, namely 3 engineering study programs and 1 computing study program.

In the aspect of teaching and learning, FKT UAA Yogyakarta aims to produce knowledgeable graduates who are trained in their respective disciplines as practitioners, technopreneurs, and researchers in industry, universities, and the public sector. FKT has a number of laboratories devoted to education and research in various areas of interest for the department. In addition, facilities and infrastructure have been prepared by Alma Ata University for the smooth management of the Faculty and study programs, be it libraries, journal access, e-learning and so on.

At a relatively young age, FKT UAA Yogyakarta has made various kinds of student achievements both on a national and international scale. With the strength and excellence of student achievements that never stop and support from the University, God willing, FKT UAA Yogyakarta will further strengthen its commitment to prepare graduates as leaders in the future and will always continue to improve the quality of higher education so that it can bring benefits to students, society and the country.

Finally, May Allah SWT always guide and bless our intentions and steps in carrying out the mandate in building the nation’s progress. Hopefully the information through this website can provide an apology and an overview of the Faculty of Computer and Engineering (FKT), Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.

Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Engineering

Raden Nur Rachman Dzakiyullah, S.Kom., M.Sc.

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