vision, mission and objectives of FKT


In 2035, it will become a faculty that is superior and independent, capable of producing young professionals and entrepreneurial spirit in the field of Digital Technology Engineering that produces innovative and sustainable works that are globally competitive according to the times based on Islamic values and Indonesian nationality.


  • Organizing high-quality and globally competitive Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities, based on Indonesian Islamic and national values, and contributing to the economic development of the nation and the world in the field of Digital Technology Engineering.

  • Developing an academic system and atmosphere conducive to the realization of a quality culture in organizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through the development of good university governance gradually and continuously.


  • Producing graduates who are superior, competent and professional, globally competitive and uphold Indonesian Islamic and national values in the field of Digital Technology Engineering.

  • Producing scientific work in the field of Digital Technology Engineering with national-international reputation that can improve the welfare of Indonesian society and is meaningful for the development of world civilization.

  • Building an academic atmosphere at the Faculty of Computer and Engineering that is conducive to the implementation of the Tri Dharma activities of higher education.

  • Developing a governance system at the Faculty of Computer and Engineering based on the principles of good university governance.

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