IoT Informatics Team Wins 1st Place

IoT Informatics Team Wins 1st Place

Fakultas Komputer Dan Teknik Alma Ata -Alma Ata Yogyakarta University Informatics students once again made Alma Ata Yogyakarta University proud by winning 1st place in the 2021 Gorontalo Creativity Competition (GCC). The 2021 Gorontalo Creativity Competition is a national scale competition organized by the Gorontalo State University BASICA Student Association. This competition carries the theme Internet of Things (IoT).

In this competition which was held in Gorontalo, Alma Ata University Yogyakarta sent representatives with the name Team N00BW4N9. This team consists of 3 Informatics students and 1 Informatics lecturer to compete with various other students from universities or other institutions who also sent their contingents to this competition.

In this competition, participants are challenged to create a tool that can be connected to an application or a website which can become a solution and innovation to be implemented in an industry or local community. This contingent from Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta, carries the title “Smart Baby Incubator for Curing Jaundice Babies”

Alma Ata University Informatics students have the advantage of making quite thorough plans regarding a project that will be carried out in the health industry. This plan is presented in the form of a report by reviewing all scientific aspects of the Informatics and Health study program, then presented directly in front of the jury. By applying applicable and appropriate knowledge related to the field of informatics and the health sector, the team from Alma Ata University succeeded in winning 1st place in this competition.


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