Literacy counteracts cyber bullying

Literacy counteracts cyber bullying

Faculty of Computer and Engineering – Progress in the world of digitalization is very significant day by day. The metaphor of technology often refers to a double-edged sword, on the other hand it is clear that technology is very helpful for human life, as in the business sector and also in the education sector it can become a very easy thing without any limitations to technological progress, and on the other hand, technological development becomes a weapon that attacks itself when it is not wise to use it.

Western technology has brought many advances to people’s lives and seems to make life better. However, because this progress does not respond to people’s behavior, it becomes unbalanced. The question is how the behavior of technology users who are less wise in using media is where we often see a lot of online bullying occurring. Literacy wards off cyber bullying, the right solution for teenagers for their unwise use of digital media.

According to, the number of internet users in Indonesia will exceed 202 million in 2021. Compared to last year, the number has increased by 15.5 percent. Smartphones are the most widely used devices. Based on the data collected, almost all people aged 16-6 years or 98.3 percent have a smartphone. This may be because smartphones are easier to use and more flexible to take on the go. In the same report, Indonesian smartphone users spend an average of 8 hours per day surfing the web, social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook etc.

Technology has changed the lives of many people because of the industrial revolution. Industrial Revolution 5.0 is a digital transformation which is described as the exchange of information in a highly developed technological field. In this era, cyber-digital and physical information merge in real time. Technological changes are so complex that they must be balanced with changes in human behavior patterns, therefore there is a need for literacy to prevent cyber bullying, especially among teenagers who are more active in using digital devices.

The development of digital technology cannot possibly be followed by intelligence in the use of digital media. This was conveyed by a lecturer at Alma Ata University in the Study of Digital Literacy for Adolescents in the City of Yogyakarta (Informatics Study Program for Middle School, High School and College Students in the City of Yogyakarta). The results of a survey of Informatics study program students show that the level of appreciation for digital content among young people in Yogyakarta is not encouraging. Teenagers are generally careless and do not want to control the information they get from social media.

Literacy counteracts cyber bullying is the ability to understand and wisely use various information from digital sources. This research has been widely studied by Alma Ata University scholars. Its development is also quite rapid from year to year. This is according to an Informatics study program student who stated that there were 83 articles about digital literacy in 2012, of which 661 were published in English (A’Yuni, 2021). Of course, looking at the many articles shows that digital literacy is very interesting to learn. However, at the industry level, dishonesty in media use still often occurs. That’s because lack of Literacy counteracts cyber bullying.

“For friends who want to learn more about the world of technology, you can stop by the best informatics study program at Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta”:


  • A’Yuni, Q. Q. (2014). Literasi Digital Remaja Di Kota    Surabaya.(Studi    Deskriptif   Tentang Tingkat   Kompetensi   Literasi   Digital   Pada Remaja  SMP,  SMA  dan  Mahasiswa  di  Kota Surabaya. Journal Unair.Ac.Id
  • Belshaw, D. A. J. (2011). What is digital literacy? A   Pragmatic   investigation[University   of Durham].
  • BPS.  (2021). Pengguna  Terbanyak  Kedua  Dalam Penggunaan Media Digital. Bps.Go.Id.


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