History of the Faculty

History of the Faculty of Computer and Engineering

Alma Ata University (UAA) Yogyakarta was officially established and organized by the Alma Ata Foundation on December 21, 2015 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 155/KPT/I/2015. UAA is a change of form from the Alma Ata College of Health Sciences (UNIVERSITY) which was established on June 29, 2006 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 108/D/0/2006, and the College of Health Sciences (UNIVERSITY) Alma Ata: 108/D/0/2006, and College of Religious Sciences (STIA) Alma Ata. Alma Ata University currently has five (5) faculties consisting of; (1) Faculty of Computer (FKOM), (2) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), (3) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), (4) Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI), and (5) Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES). In 2021, there was a change in the name of the Faculty and Grouping of Study Programs within Alma Ata University with Chancellor’s Decree No. : 195/A/SK/UAA/XI/2021 which has an impact on changing the name of the faculty, namely the Faculty of Computer and Engineering. The purpose of this change is to develop new study programs in the future with a background in engineering / Engineering. Global competition and the current digital era require universities to always develop in improving the quality of education.

FKT UAA Yogyakarta currently manages two study programs namely S1 Information Systems and S1 Informatics. As a Private University under LLDIKTI Region V, it is obliged to carry out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes education, research and community service. Each of these fields will be developed in a directed manner in accordance with the vision, mission, goals and objectives of Alma Ata University. The Faculty of Computer refers to the UAA Basic Value System which is based on the values of Islamic teachings rohmatal lil Alamien to build excellence in the implementation of higher education in order to realize the vision and mission of the University. This value system is also used as a work basis for all managers and staff. The value system at Alma Ata University refers to three Core Values, namely (1) Alma Ata, (2) We Are Healthy, and (3) LIFE. Alma Ata comes from Arabic, namely the word “Ata” which means present and “Alima” which means with the basis of knowledge. So it means that Alma Ata is present (ATA) in the community to build a professional society, a society that upholds scientific values, and prioritizes scientific principles as the basis for every deed (ALIMA). Alma Ata is also a world health declaration declared in 1978. From this declaration came the idea of realizing health for all. The expected outcome of the birth of this declaration is that we will all become healthy people (we are healthy). While we are healthy in the context as one of the values in the ALMA ATA value system.

In accordance with the noble values listed in its name, Alma Ata, whose birth was initiated by Muslim scholars and pesantren scholars, was present (ATA) on this Indonesian earth to continue the mission of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by producing professional human resources, upholding scientific values and prioritizing scientific principles as the basis for every deed (ALIMA), having noble character, and by adhering to the values of Islamic teachings to serve the interests of the people. Alma Ata was born as a response to Muslim scholars and scholars in the Ali Masduqi Foundation Islamic Boarding School and Ali Maksum Foundation Islamic Boarding School to the times, the tendency of changes in civilization, life patterns and human behavior today, and is part of a reflection of religious moral responsibility to prove that “Islam is always suitable anytime and anywhere” that “Islam is sholichun fi kulli zaman wa makan”.

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