10 Best Private Universities

10 Best Private Universities

Alma Ata University as the best private university according to Impact Rank Webometrics 2024

Yogyakarta – Hi Detik Friends! Are you looking for the best campus in Yogyakarta to continue your studies? To be more enlightened, the best thing is to look for the best campus references.

Well, it’s a coincidence that today we want to discuss the list of the best universities in Indonesia according to the Impact Rank Webometrics 2024. There are many higher education rankings, one of which is Webometrics issued by Cybermetrics Lab. This institution is a research organization under the auspices of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), which is the largest public research body in Spain.

Are you curious about the details?

Webometrics Ranking Assessment 2024

One of the assessments that is important in webometric ranking is visibility or visibility of impact. The visibility factor is the influence of the content on a university’s website. Visibility value is obtained from external links related to the university’s official website. Visibility is measured using Ahrefs Majestic and is weighted at 50%.

Webometrics ranking has the main goal of promoting open access to knowledge produced by universities. It is said on the official website that the best way to increase rankings is to increase the quantity and quality of campus web content.

The following are the 10 best private universities in Yogyakarta according to Impact Rank Webometrics 2024

  1. Alma Atta University
  2. Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University
  3. Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta
  4. Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta
  5. Tamansiswa Bachelor University
  6. Mercubuana University Yogyakarta
  7. AKPRIND Yogyakarta Institute of Science and Technology
  8. Bakti Setya Indonesia Polytechnic, Bantul
  9. Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University
  10. Sanata Dharm University
    As a higher education institution ranked first in the Impact Rank Webometrics 2024 version, Deputy Chancellor III of Alma Ata University R. Rusiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd. expressed his gratitude for the ranking.

“Alhamdulillah, apart from being ranked 1st in DIY, Alma Ata University was also ranked 12th in Southeast Asia, 12th in PTN/PTS in Indonesia and 2nd in PTN/PTS in DIY according to the Impact Rank Webometrics version. January 2024,” he said.


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